Our Pack Members
Welcome to our dog breeding and mushing Kennel of Cathi's Meadow Garden, an approved Alaskan Malamute kennel by FCI, member of the German VDH and DCNH and the Swedish SKK and SPHK.
Get to know us, our sled dogs and our purebred kennel from Swedish Lapland!
our Trainer
Cathi takes care of everything that has to do with feeding our sled dogs, raising their puppies and training our youngsters to give them the best possible start in their dog life.
our Creative
Tina designs the exterior of our FCI registered kennel and always brings some special ideas into the pack to make the training breaks of our Nordic dogs more fun in the summer.
our Musher
Harald is responsible for everything that has wheels and runners in our kennel and, as a VDSV-licensed musher, trains our Alaskan Malamute teams for the next sled dog race.
Our Alaskan Malamutes